Modeling the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle

APC-A cdh1∆ in galactose

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Change of parameters: ka20"=0, kscdh=0, init CDH1T=CDH1=0, MDT=150.
Length of G1 phase: 34.5 min.
Arrest: Telophase arrest.


Cross, F.R. (2003). Two redundant oscillatory mechanisms in the yeast cell cycle. Dev. Cell 4:741-752.
[Abstract] [Article]
Experimental results: APC-A cdh1∆ can be partially rescued in poor galactose medium (Cross, 2003, Table 1), with 8% viability of spores (compared with 0% for APC-A cdh1∆ in glucose, and with 78% for APC-A cdh1∆ GAL-SIC1 in galactose).
Comments: In simulation, with MDT=150 min, the mutant cells arrest in telophase. However, if the growth rate is slowed down to MDT=160 min, they can exit mitosis at t=144.8 min, and become viable. We argue that the majority of the mutants APC-A cdh1∆ in galactose would have a MDT=150 and be inviable; a small fraction of the mutants would have a slightly lower growth rate with MDT=160, and those cells would be viable.